Tuesday, 20 March 2012

ShowStudio - In Your Face

I travelled to London with some friends and we came across a gallery called ShowStudio (1 - 9 Bruton Place, London, W1J 6LT) and by came across i mean searched for hours. I really wanted to see the exhibition that was being held called In Your Face, named because the work being shown is very bold and defiant. The exhibition show work ranging from fine art, sculpture, film, fashion and photography, yet they all shared the same idea of being 'in your face'. Coming from a BTEC Art & Design course I always find myself drawn toward all types of mediums in art not only photography, i look at the work displayed and get inspiration to add to my own practice.

I went because i heard that one of Nick Knight's photographic prints was on display but while there i found myself also very interested in the work shown elsewhere around the exhibition. All the work dealed with different ideas of portrait and I found this very interesting. I found the gallery very easy to move around in the and staff very willing to name and explain what the peices were about as none of the work came with text, perhaps to leave the veiwer to make you their own ideas of the work.

The work of Nick Knight that i went to see was 'Devon' (1997). It is a photograph of Japanese/American model/actress Devon Aoki dressed Alexander McQueen shot for the cover of the style magazine Visionaire in 1997. The photo is a combination of two visionaires in the fashion, a world famous fashion photographer and a world famous designer. The work is meant to be confrontational and thought-provoking, and captures Aoki with a dark, futuristic style. The colours are muted and cold, along with Aoki serious expression makes a powerful emotion come from the photo. As i stood in front of the image I felt as if she was also looking back at me, i feel this is very important in portrature.

Another display of work I found interesting was 'Sauna Faces' by Stephen Doherty,

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